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A guide to upgrading to FLAREr 3.0.0.


configure_flare.yml is required to be located in your {lake_directory}/configurations/{config_set_name} directory.


  • localization_distance: set to NA


  • max_model_layers: set to 75

  • modeled_depths” are now the depth with observations or the depths that you want in your output (e.g., the depths used in data assimilation) GLM internal sets the depth (actually now heights) that are modeled.


Your historical met needs to be a model. If you are using stage 3 NOAA then you just need to point the historical_met_model and local_met_directory to that. If you were using observations as the historical met you need to create a “model” from the observations. The model needs to a parameter and prediction column. The number of ensemble members in the historical model needs to match the number in the future model. Here is some example code for converting a gapfilled meteorology file to a “model”.

met_ensemble <- 31
hist_interp_met <- readr::read_csv(cleaned_met_file) |>
  mutate(parameter = 1) |>
  reframe(prediction = rnorm(met_ensemble, mean = observation, sd = 0),
          parameter = 0:(met_ensemble-1),
          .by = c(site_id, datetime, variable)) |> 
 arrow::write_dataset(path = file.path(lake_directory, "drivers/met/historical/model_id=obs_interp/site_id=fcre"))         
  • future_met_model: path to met model used for forecast days (relative to s3$drivers$bucket path or local_met_directory). It defines the form of the path partitioning. For example met/gefs-v12/stage2/reference_datetime={reference_date}/site_id={site_id} provides the path with the the part in the brackets being updated within the FLARE run
  • historical_met_model: path to met model used for historical days (relative to s3$drivers$bucket path or local_met_directory). It defines the form of the path partitioning. For example met/gefs-v12/stage3/site_id={site_id} provides the path with the the part in the brackets being updated within the FLARE run
  • forecast_lag_days: number of days to look backward for a forecast
  • use_ler_vars: use LER standardized met names (TRUE or FALSE)
  • historical_met_use_s3: access historical met data on s3 bucket (TRUE or FALSE)
  • future_met_use_s3: access future met data on s3 bucket (TRUE or FALSE)
  • use_openmeteo: use openmeteo for meterology inputs (TRUE or FALSE)
  • openmeteo_api: the name of the openmeteo api to use (only used if openmeteo = TRUE); seasonal, ensemble_forecast, historical, climate
  • openmeteo_model: name of the openmeteo model to use ( (only used if openmeteo = TRUE)); see for list of models
  • use_openmeteo_archive: use a archived version of openmeteo on s3 rather than directly using the api. (only used if openmeteo = TRUE)
  • local_met_directory: directory where meteorology forecasts are saved if not using s3 access. Relative to the lake_directory.


You inflow and outflows need to be separate models.

  • include_inflow: Include inflows in simulations (TRUE or FALSE)
  • include_outflow: Include outflows in simulations (TRUE or FALSE)
  • future_inflow_model: path to inflow model used for forecast days (relative to s3$inflow$bucket path or local_inflow_directory). It defines the form of the path partitioning. For example inflow/model_id=historical/reference_datetime={reference_date}/site_id={site_id} provides the path with the the part in the brackets being updated within the FLARE run
  • historical_inflow_model: path to inflow model used for historical days (relative to s3$inflow$bucket path). It defines the form of the path partitioning. For example inflow/model_id=historical/site_id={site_id} provides the path with the the part in the brackets being updated within the FLARE run. local_inflow_directory)
  • local_inflow_directory: directory where inflow forecasts are saved if not using s3 access. Relative to the lake_directory.
  • future_outflow_model: path to outflow model used for forecast days (relative to s3$outflow$bucket path or local_outflow_directory)
  • historical_outflow_model: path to outflow model used for historical days (relative to s3$outflow$bucket path or local_outflow_directory)
  • local_outflow_directory: directory where outflow forecasts are saved if not using s3 access. Relative to the lake_directory.


  • inflow: change name of variable from inflow_process


  • generate_plots: generate diagnostic plots (TRUE or FALSE)

remove score_past and `


This section now has inflow_drivers and outflow_drivers. - drivers: - endpoint: s3 endpoint of met drivers - bucket: s3 bucket of met drivers - inflow_drivers: - endpoint: s3 endpoint of inflow drivers - bucket: s3 bucket of inflow drivers - outflow_drivers: - endpoint: s3 endpoint of outflow drivers - bucket: s3 bucket of outflow drivers


  • warm_start:
    • endpoint: s3 endpoint of restart files
    • bucket: s3 bucket of restart files to
  • restart:
    • endpoint: s3 endpoint of restart files
    • bucket: s3 bucket of restart files


Remove the column inflat_par from parameter_calibration_config.csv


  • fix_par: 0 = fit parameter, 1 = hold parameter at par_init


No change to states_config.csv


No change to depth_model_sd.csv .


Add the following column to observations_config.csv

  • multi_depth: 1 = observation has multiple depths, 0 = observation does not have a depth associated with it.

Remove the column distance_theshold


Add the following variable to the &init_profiles section

restart_mixer_count = 0

Change the following variables in the init_profiles section to:

the_depth to the_heights

num_depths to num_heights

Change the following variables in the glm_setup section to:

min_layer_vol = 0.025
min_layer_thick = 0.2
max_layer_thick = 0.8

Other changes

The scoring part of FLAREr has been removed. You will need to add it in to your workflow script and install remotes::install_github("eco4cast/score4cast") The code was:

generate_forecast_score_arrow <- function(targets_file,
                                          use_s3 = FALSE,
                                          bucket = NULL,
                                          endpoint = NULL,
                                          local_directory = NULL,
                                          variable_types = "state"){

    output_directory <- arrow::s3_bucket(bucket = bucket,
                                         endpoint_override =  endpoint)
    output_directory <- arrow::SubTreeFileSystem$create(local_directory)
  target <- readr::read_csv(targets_file, show_col_types = FALSE)

  df <- forecast_df |>
    dplyr::filter(variable_type %in% variable_types) |>
    dplyr::mutate(family = as.character(family)) |>
    score4cast::crps_logs_score(target, extra_groups = c('depth')) |>
    dplyr::mutate(horizon = datetime-lubridate::as_datetime(reference_datetime)) |>
    dplyr::mutate(horizon = as.numeric(lubridate::as.duration(horizon),
                                units = "seconds"),
           horizon = horizon / 86400)

  df <- df |> dplyr::mutate(reference_date = lubridate::as_date(reference_datetime))

  arrow::write_dataset(df, path = output_directory, partitioning = c("site_id","model_id","reference_date"))


Other changes

The package does not depend on the GLM3r package anymore. There are multiple options for getting a GLM binary. The easiest is to install GLM3r from github (the README has more information about getting the GLM binary)


you are require to set an environment variable in your workflow script that calls run_flare.


The update_run_config2 function has been replaced by the update_run_config function

The check_noaa_present_arrow function has been replaced by the check_noaa_present function

The set_configuration function has been replaced by the set_up_simulation function

Other FLAREr functions now require ::: because they are not exported by the package.

The forecast parquet output has pub_datetime rather than pub_date and it has a new column log_weight

Plots saved in the plots subdirectory

Netcdf restart files are saved in the restart directory