The resources and products from FLARE include papers, data, educational modules, and software:

Technical papers

Carey C.C, W.M. Woelmer, M.E. Lofton, R.J. Figueiredo, B.J. Bookout, R.S. Corrigan, V. Daneshmand, A.G. Hounshell, D.W. Howard, A.S. Lewis, R.P. McClure, H.L. Wander, N.K. Ward, and R.Q. Thomas. 2022. Advancing lake and reservoir water quality management with near-term, iterative ecological forecasting. Inland Waters 12: 107-120

Daneshmand, V., A. Breef-Pilz, C.C. Carey, Y. Jin, Y.-J. Kun, K.C., R.Q. Thomas, R.J. Figueiredo. 2021. “Edge-to-cloud Virtualized Cyberinfrastructure for Near Real-time Water Quality Forecasting in Lakes and Reservoirs” in 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on eScience (eScience), Innsbruck, Austria, 2021 pp. 138-148.

Holthuijzen, M.F., R.B. Gramacy, C.C. Carey, D.M. Higdon, and R.Q. Thomas. Synthesizing data products, mathematical models, and observational measurements for lake temperature forecasting. arXiv.

Lofton, M.E., D.W. Howard, R.Q. Thomas, C. C Carey. 2023. Progress and opportunities in advancing near-term forecasting of freshwater quality. Global Change Biology 29: 1691-1714

McClure, R.P, R.Q. Thomas, M.E. Lofton, W.M. Woelmer and C.C. Carey. 2021. Iterative forecasting improves near-term predictions of methane ebullition rates. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9:756603

Moore, T. N. and J.P. Mesman, R. Ladwig, and J. Feldbauer, F. Olsson, R. M. Pilla, T. Shatwell, J. =J.Venkiteswaran, A.D. Delany, H. Dugan, K.C. Rose, J. S.Read. 2021. LakeEnsemblR: An R package that facilitates ensemble modelling of lakes. Environmental Modelling & Software 143: 105101. doi:

Olsson, F., C.C. Carey, C. Boettiger, G. Harrison, R. Ladwig, M.F. Lapeyrolerie, A.S.L. Lewis, M.E. Lofton, F. Motealegre-Mora, J.S. Rebaey, C.J. Robbins. X. Yang, and R.Q. Thomas. What can we learn from 100,000 freshwater forecasts? A synthesis from the NEON Ecological Forecasting Challenge. ESS Open Archive

Olsson, F, T.N. Moore, C.C. Carey, A. Breef-Pilz, and R.Q. Thomas. 2024. A multi-model ensemble of baseline and process-based models improves the predictive skill of near-term lake forecasts. Water Resources Research 60: e2023WR035901

Paíz, R., R.Q. Thomas, C. C. Carey, E. de Eyto, A. Delany, R. Poole, P. Nixon, M. Dillane, I.D. Jones, D.C. Pierson, V. McCarthy, S. Linnane, E. Jennings. Near-term lake water temperature forecasts can be used to anticipate the ecological dynamics of freshwater species. SSRN.

Thomas, R.Q, R.P. McClure, T.N. Moore, W.M. Woelmer, C. Boettiger, R.J. Figueiredo, R.T. Hensley, C.C. Carey. Near-term forecasts of NEON lakes reveal gradients of environmental predictability across the U.S. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 21: 220–226

Thomas R.Q, R.J. Figueiredo, V. Daneshmand, B.J. Bookout, L.K. Puckett, and C.C. Carey. 2020. A near‐term iterative forecasting system successfully predicts reservoir hydrodynamics and partitions uncertainty in real time. Water Resources Research 56: e2019WR026138.

Wander, H.L., R.Q Thomas, T.N. Moore, M.E. Lofton, A. Breef-Pilz, C.C. Carey. 2024. Data assimilation experiments inform monitoring needs for near-term ecological forecasts in a eutrophic reservoir. Ecosphere 15: e4752.

Woelmer, W., R.Q. Thomas, M. Lofton, R. McClure P, and C.C Carey. 2022. Near-term phytoplankton forecasts reveal the effects of model time step and forecast horizon on predictability. Ecological Applications 32: e2642

Woelmer, W.M., R.Q. Thomas, F. Olsson, B.G. Steele, K.C. Weathers, and C.C. Carey. 2024. Process-Based Forecasts of Lake Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Outperform Null Models, with Variability Over Time and Depth. Ecological Informatics 83: 102825.

Wynne, J. H., W. M. Woelmer, T. N. Moore, R.Q. Thomas, K C. Weathers, C. C. Carey. 2023. Uncertainty in projections of future lake thermal dynamics is differentially driven by global climate models and lake models. PeerJ 11:e15445

Data packages

Carey, C.C., J.H. Wynne, H.L. Wander, R.P. McClure, K.J. Farrell, A. Breef-Pilz, J.P. Doubek, A.B. Gerling, K.D. Hamre, A.G. Hounshell, A.S. Lewis, M.E. Lofton, and W.M. Woelmer. Secchi depth data and discrete depth profiles of photosynthetically active radiation, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH for Beaverdam Reservoir, Carvins Cove Reservoir, Falling Creek Reservoir, Gatewood Reservoir, and Spring Hollow Reservoir in southwestern Virginia, USA 2013-2020 ver 8. Environmental Data Initiative.

Carey, C.C., A. Breef-Pilz, B.J. Bookout, M.E. Lofton, and R.P. McClure. Time series of high-frequency meteorological data at Falling Creek Reservoir, Virginia, USA 2015-2020 ver 5. Environmental Data Initiative.

Carey, C.C., A. Breef-Pilz, and B.J. Bookout. Time series of high-frequency sensor data measuring water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pressure, conductivity, specific conductance, total dissolved solids, chlorophyll a, phycocyanin, and fluorescent dissolved organic matter at discrete depths in Beaverdam Reservoir, Virginia, USA 2020 ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.

Carey, C.C., A.G. Hounshell, M.E. Lofton, F. Birgand, B.J. Bookout, R.S. Corrigan, A.B. Gerling, R.P. McClure, and W.M. Woelmer. Discharge time series for the primary inflow tributary entering Falling Creek Reservoir, Vinton, Virginia, USA 2013-2021 ver 7. Environmental Data Initiative.

Carey, C.C., A.S. Lewis, R.P. McClure, A.B. Gerling, S. Chen, A. Das, J.P. Doubek, D.W. Howard, M.E. Lofton, K.D. Hamre, and H.L. Wander. Time series of high-frequency profiles of depth, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, specific conductivity, chlorophyll a, turbidity, pH, oxidation-reduction potential, photosynthetic active radiation, and descent rate for Beaverdam Reservoir, Carvins Cove Reservoir, Falling Creek Reservoir, Gatewood Reservoir, and Spring Hollow Reservoir in Southwestern Virginia, USA 2013-2020 ver 11. Environmental Data Initiative.

Carey, C.C., H.L. Wander, W.M. Woelmer, M.E. Lofton, A. Breef-Pilz, J.P. Doubek, A.B. Gerling, A.G. Hounshell, R.P. McClure, and B.R. Niederlehner. 2021. Water chemistry time series for Beaverdam Reservoir, Carvins Cove Reservoir, Falling Creek Reservoir, Gatewood Reservoir, and Spring Hollow Reservoir in southwestern Virginia, USA 2013-2020 ver 9. Environmental Data Initiative.

Carey, C.C., M.E. Lofton, W.M. Woelmer, K.D. Hamre, A. Breef-Pilz, J.P. Doubek, and R.P. McClure. 2021. Time-series of high-frequency profiles of fluorescence-based phytoplankton spectral groups in Beaverdam Reservoir, Carvins Cove Reservoir, Falling Creek Reservoir, Gatewood Reservoir, and Spring Hollow Reservoir in southwestern Virginia, USA 2014-2020 ver 5. Environmental Data Initiative.

Carey, C.C., W.M. Woelmer, A.S. Lewis, A. Breef-Pilz, D.W. Howard, and B.J. Bookout. 2021. Time series of high-frequency sensor data measuring water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pressure, conductivity, specific conductance, total dissolved solids, chlorophyll a, phycocyanin, and fluorescent dissolved organic matter at discrete depths in Falling Creek Reservoir, Virginia, USA in 2018-2020 ver 5. Environmental Data Initiative.

Hounshell, A.G., R.H. Thai, K.A. Peeler, D.T. Scott, and C.C. Carey. 2021. Time series of optical measurements (absorbance, fluorescence) for Beaverdam and Falling Creek Reservoir in Southwestern Virginia, USA 2019-2020 ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.

Schreiber, M.E., K.M. Krueger, Z.W. Munger, N.W. Hammond, M.E. Lofton, R.P. McClure, and C.C. Carey. 2021. Time series of total and soluble iron and manganese concentrations from Falling Creek Reservoir and Beaverdam Reservoir in southwestern Virginia, USA from 2014 through 2020 ver 5. Environmental Data Initiative.

Educational modules

Lofton, M.E., T.N. Moore, W.M. Woelmer, R.Q. Thomas, and C.C. Carey. 2024. A modular curriculum to teach undergraduates ecological forecasting improves student and instructor confidence in their data science skills. Bioscience: Awaiting issue.

Macrosystems EDDIE

GitHub Software Repositories

